
Perspective directions of development of the onboard equipment complexes built on the principles of integrated modular avionics are considered. Features of architecture and interfaces of the complex, possibilities of unification and modernization of components of integrated modular avionics are analyzed, new functional possibilities, principles of reliability and safety failure of the complex are described, possibilities of realization of systems of electronic equipment on the basis of integrated modular avionics are considered. Possibilities of development of highly integrated onboard systems are analyzed.
 The main conclusions and prospects for the use of research results. A necessary condition for further improvement of avionics equipment helicopter complexes of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is to conduct systematic pre- project military research and external design at the conceptual stage of formation of their technical accounting. These studies and preliminary design developments should include substantiation of the general concept (basic idea) of creation and combat application of the avionics equipment complex, which is planned for development, optimization of its performance characteristics values and design parameters that determine the technical accounting of the complex.

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