
The article, based on the analysis of scientific literature and the current legal framework, reveals the main ways and directions of attracting investment in the territory and objects of nature reserves of Ukraine in today’s conditions, a detailed description of the main investment entities in this area. The only acceptable tools for investing in nature reserves are public-private partnership mechanisms. The use of tools of private-public partnership and involvement of business in the management of nature reserves can increase the level of integration of natural resources into economic circulation through the construction of chains, schemes, value added production networks on the basis of both individual and especially — corporate governance within the business ecosystem of the territorial entity to which these resources and assets should be involved. It should be noted that at different stages of the implementation of the European integration algorithm for the development of public-private partnership will prevail different tools of this mechanism. Thus, in the first, deconcentration stage — budget decentralization, unification of communities and delegation of powers in the management of natural resources, including nature reserve facilities, united territorial communities from state to local authorities, deconcentration of resources will prevail. In the second stage, devolution with the end of delimitation and delegation of extended powers to the territories with the simultaneous introduction of a project approach to the management of natural assets and the beginning of the creation of territorial corporations for the management of nature reserves. At the third, divestiture stage, the formation of profitable territorial corporate entities of the cluster type, operating in the use of natural assets, ie individual territorial corporations of sustainable development with a diversified financial and investment component. The article also reveals in detail the role of institutional support for the process of investing in domestic nature reserves, and on this basis identifies a key range of existing issues.


  • У сучасних умовах посиленої урбанізації та зростання рівня споживання природних ресурсів людством, об’єкти природно-заповідного фонду стають основою збереження екосистеми та забезпечення поновлення відновлювальних ресурсів планети

  • В той самий час перевагою нашої держави в досліджуваній сфері є існуюча широка мережа об’єктів природно-заповідного фонду які розташовані в більшості її регіонів

  • Але нині спостерігається негативна тенденція щодо їх скорочення та зміни цільового призначення, в тому числі і передача земель під забудову

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Про державно-приватне партнерство

Закон України від 01.07.2010 No 2404-VI (Редакція станом на 25.10.2020). 6. Публічно-приватні форми забезпечення сталого просторового розвитку України: монографія / за заг. WAYS OF ATTRACTING INVESTMENT IN THE TERRITORY AND OBJECTS OF THE NATURE RESERVE FUND OF UKRAINE. The only acceptable tools for investing in nature reserves are public-private partnership mechanisms. The use of tools of private-public partnership and involvement of business in the management of nature reserves can increase the level of integration of natural resources into economic circulation through the construction of chains, schemes, value added production networks on the basis of both individual and especially — corporate governance within the business ecosystem of the territorial entity to which these resources and assets should be involved.

Pro pryrodno-zapovidnyi fond Ukrainy
Pro derzhavno-pryvatne partnerstvo
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