
Quadratic corrections to the metaplectic formulation of mode conversions. In this work we showed how to systematically deal with quadratic corrections beyond the usual linearization of the dispersion matrix at a conversion. The linearization leads to parabolic cylinder functions as the local approximation to the full-wave behavior, but these do not include the variation in amplitude associated with ray refraction in the neighborhood of the conversion. Hence, the region over which they give a good fit to the incoming and outgoing WKB solutions is small. By including higher order corrections it is possible to provide a much more robust matching. We also showed that it was possible, in principle, to extend these methods to arbitrary order. A new normal form for mode conversion. This is based upon our earlier NSF-DOE-funded work on ray helicity. We have begun efforts to apply these new ideas in practical ray tracing algorithms. Group theoretical foundation of path integrals and phase space representations of wave problems. Using the symbol theory of N. Zobin, we developed a new understanding of path integrals on phase space. The initial goal was to find practical computational tools for dealing with non-standard mode conversions. Along the way we uncovered amore » new way to represent wave functions directly on phase space without the intermediary of a Wigner function. We are exploring the use of these ideas for numerical studies of conversion, with the goal of eventually incorporating kinetic effects. Wave packet studies of gyroresonance crossing. In earlier work, Huanchun Ye and Allan Kaufman -- building upon ideas due to Lazar Friedland -- had shown that gyroresonance crossings could be treated as a double conversion. This perspective is one we have used for many of our papers since then. We are now performing a detailed numerical comparison between full-wave and ray tracing approaches in the study of minority-ion gyroresonance crossing. In this study, a fast magnetosonic wave -- supported by a majority-ion species such as deuterium -- crosses the resonance layer associated with a minority species, such as hydrogen. By using wave packets instead of harmonic solutions, it becomes easy to see the evolution in k-space of the minority-ion disturbance, and the time delay for emission of the reflected fast-wave packet. Iterated conversion in a cavity. When mode conversion occurs in a cavity where rays are trapped, multiple conversions will occur and the resulting absorption profile will typically have a complicated spatial dependence due to overlapping interference patterns. The goal of this work is to develop fast and efficient ray-based methods for computing the cavity response to external driving, and to compute the spatial absorption profile. We have introduced a new approach that allows us to visualize in great detail the underlying iterated ray geometry, and should lead to simpler methods for identifying parameter values where global changes occur in the qualitative response (e.g. global bifurcations).« less

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