
We present a wavelet coherence method that is capable of displaying local coherence information between two seismic stations in the sense of a spectrogram. We have analyzed the vertical components of a 20-min-long time series from four stations that were situated in the seismic near field of Stromboli volcano. Typical volcanic seismic signals recorded in the near field of Stromboli volcano consist of continuous volcanic tremor superimposed on frequent Strombolian explosion signals. The tremor exhibits a banded and frequency-stable structure, whereas the broadband explosion signals span two or three frequency decades. We demonstrate that signals related to explosion earthquakes are strongly correlated within the network over 1.5 frequency decades. Using synthetic data, we show how coherent signal portions can be extracted out of noisy data using a coherence-filtering method. A time delay analysis using coherence information results in a coarse source location estimation that lies within the crater region. With the exception of randomly fluctuating coherence peaks, low correlations have been observed in the characteristic bands that are assumed to be generated by continuous tremor. In the low-frequency band that is related to the ocean microseisms (period ≈ 4–8 sec), we observe mostly high correlation that breaks down during the appearance of explosion earthquake signals. Based on further analysis using the inverse wavelet transformation, we propose a model that describes the breakdown phenomenon as a superposition of two independent events.

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