
The topic developed in this article relates to the residual time series analysis of DORIS station coordinates using the wavelet transform. Several analysis techniques, already developed in other disciplines, were employed in the statistical study of the geodetic time series of stations. The wavelet transform allows one, on the one hand, to provide temporal and frequential parameter residual signals, and on the other hand, to determine and quantify systematic signals such as periodicity and tendency. Tendency is the change in short or long term signals; it is an average curve which represents the general pace of the signal evolution. On the other hand, periodicity is a process which is repeated, identical to itself, after a time interval called the period. In this context, the topic of this article consists, on the one hand, in determining the systematic signals by wavelet analysis of time series of DORIS station coordinates, and on the other hand, in applying the denoising signal to the wavelet packet, which makes it possible to obtain a well-filtered signal, smoother than the original signal. The DORIS data used in the treatment are a set of weekly residual time series from 1993 to 2004 from eight stations: DIOA, COLA, FAIB, KRAB, SAKA, SODB, THUB and SYPB. It is the ign03wd01 solution expressed in stcd format, which is derived by the IGN/JPL analysis center. Although these data are not very recent, the goal of this study is to detect the contribution of the wavelet analysis method on the DORIS data, compared to the other analysis methods already studied.

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