
The wavelength tunable 1060-nm distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) laser chip consists of three sections: a gain section for lasing, and phase and DBR sections for wavelength control. A micro-heater is lithographically integrated on the top of the DBR section to tune the emission wavelength. The phase section is designed with either a top heater or by current injection to provide fine tuning of the wavelength. The wavelength tuning efficiency of our DBR laser is approximately 9 nm/W at the laser heat sink temperature of 25°C. Single-mode output powers of 686 mW and 605 mW were obtained at a CW gain drive current of 1.25 A and heat sink temperatures of 25°C and 60°C, respectively. Gain-switching by applying 1.1 GHz sinusoidal signal mixed with 600 mA DC injection current produced approximately 58 ps long optical pulses with 3.1 W peak power and 228 mW average power. The average power increased to 267 mW and pulse width broadened to 70 ps with DC bias of 700 mA. In CW operation, one of the applications for high-power single-mode DBR lasers is for non-linear frequency conversion. The light emitted from the 1060-nm DBR laser chip was coupled into a single-mode periodically poled lithium niobate (PPLN) crystal waveguide. Up to 350 mW optical power at 530 nm with the wall-plug efficiency of up to 15% was demonstrated.

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