
This study deals with the seepage effects experienced by a large, vertical, circular cylinder resting on a submerged bed of sand when planar water waves interact with it. Potential theory is used to describe the seepage flow field. The sea bottom pressure condition is determined from the water field velocity potential derived by MacCamy and Fuchs (1954) in the case of planar waves diffracted by a large impervious cylinder. Consideration is also given to cylinders with a thin circular base whose diameter exceeds that of the cylinder itself. The problem formulation as well as the initiation of the analysis apply to the general case of a bed of sand with finite depth. For the case of infinite depth of the porous medium, theoretical solutions for the seepage pressure are obtained in the form of infinite integrals. Theoretical solutions for the pressure along the cylinder circular base are then derived, leading by integration to closed form expressions for the wave-induced seepage uplift force and overturning moment exerted on the cylinder. These expressions for the force and moment, which are presented in non-dimensional form are shown to be universal functions of a unique variable. Graphs are provided so that very few computations are required to determine the uplift force and overturning moment exerted on a cylinder. A comparison with various approximate theories reveals the present theory to be the only one which gives reliable results in general. The amplitude and phase angle of the oscillating wave-induced pressure along the cylinder base are determined numerically. Results for the pressure amplitude are presented as non-dimensional ratios to the amplitude of the pressure that would prevail if no cylinder were disturbing the wave field. Expressions for the exit gradient around the cylinder base are also determined. Contours of the ratio of the exit gradient to the one that would prevail in the absence of a cylinder are presented. Laboratory measurements of uplift pressure amplitudes on a circular cylinder show good agreement with theoretical calculations.

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