
A new phenomenon is discovered: waves of adsorption deformation or wave sorbostriction of a microporous adsorbent appearing under passage of individual compounds or mixtures thereof in a flow of a carrier gas through it. The method of wave sorbostriction registration is suggested. It is found that the wave amplitude and selectivity of adsorbent sorbostriction depend largely on the mixture composition and physicochemical properties of its components. The suggested method is used to obtain sorbostriction waves of an AR-V microporous carbon adsorbent and passing through it portions of normal hydrocarbons (n-pentane, n-heptane) and their binary mixtures (n-pentane/n-heptane) at the ratios of (50/50) vol % at 473 K in the flow of the He carrier gas. The number of maximums on the sorbostriction curve under the optimum conditions corresponds to the number of components in the mixture.

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