
In an ion beam plasma system, the effect of magnetically quantised degenerate trapped electron and positron, on small-amplitude ion-acoustic solitary waves are studied with the help of Korteweg–de Vries (KdV) equation. Here the magnetised positive ions and beam ions are considered as non-degenerate. The effect of magnetic quantisation, degenerate temperature, normalised positron concentration, normalised ion beam concentration along with other relevant physical plasma parameters of the origin of astrophysical plasma environment, on solitary wave propagation is studied especially in the nonlinear regime. On the other hand, in the linear regime, the dependency of frequency and wavenumber on the aforementioned plasma parameters are discussed. It is found that both compressive and rarefactive type solitary waves can exist in such a plasma environment. Three different modes of propagation, the fast beam and slow beam modes and the inherent ion-acoustic mode coexist in such plasma systems and the role of different degenerate plasma parameters on these wave modes are also discussed in detail. The normalised positron concentration and velocity, as well as the normalised ion beam concentration along with different degenerate plasma parameters, has an astounding control on the amount of compression and rarefaction, a typical plasma wave mode is supposed to undergo. Within the chosen degenerate and non-degenerate plasma parameters, for a compressive (rarefactive) fast beam mode, the slow mode appears as rarefactive (compressive). For some typical combinations of degenerate parameters, the fast mode can propagate with a hypersonic phase velocity which shows distinctive characteristics with positron density.

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