
An analytical model is presented for steady-state lateral response of earthfill and rockfill dams in canyons subjected to a steady train of harmonic SH waves incident at an arbitrary angle θ. The dam is idealized as a 2-dimensional shear beam with a triangular cross-section, while the canyon is considered rectangular and consisting of elastic rock. A parametric study is undertaken to investigate the influence on the steady-state response of (a) the angle of incidence θ of the incoming waves, (b) the impedance ratio and (c) the canyon narrowness. It is shown that the acceleration amplification is considerably less for a dam built in flexible canyon than for a dam in a rigid canyon and, hence, the effect of radiation damping may be very important. For obliquely incident waves travelling from the left to the right, the response of the dam depends mainly on the interference of the waves transmitted through the base and the left boundary, leading to a maximum response at a θ about 30°-35°. For very long dams subjected to high frequency obliquely incident waves, it is found that there is no amplification of the motion by the dam. For low-frequency excitation, the response of the dam shows little variation along the crest and approaches the response of the elastic half-space. The results are in agreement with published results for the response of alluvial valleys subjected to incident SH waves.

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