
For the realization of a quantum network and efficient transfer of information between its nodes, many challenges should be resolved. One of these challenges is related to controlling photons, in that receiving and resending data in a real-time process should be reliable. The uncontrollable and time asymmetry shape of the photon wave packets emitted by quantum sources creates obstacles for reliable information transfer. In this work, an approach has been introduced to tune the wave packet shape of a single photon as a significant factor for absorbing and resending the same information. Since the wave packet of the photon emitted from spontaneous emission cannot be handled, in this research for the wave packet shaping, two lasers with a phase difference between them are proposed, where Rabi frequency Ω ( t ) is considered as a time-dependent function. Studying the temporal evolution of the system states and using the experimental parameters of a real single photon are two steps employed in this paper to achieve the desired outcome. Furthermore, the fidelity of two distant nodes, between which information is transmitted by the proposed single photon, is examined.

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