
The water stress effects of every-other-furrow irrigation on yield may be alleviated by more frequent irrigation intervals. This research was conducted to determine yield and water use efficiency of sugarbeet under every-other-furrow and every-furrow irrigations at different irrigation intervals. Every-other-furrow irrigation (EOFI) at 10-day irrigation intervals used a smaller amount of irrigation water, but some yield reduction occurred. However, frequent EOFI at 6-day intervals produced a similar root yield to that of every-furrow irrigation (EFI) at 10-day intervals and saved an average of 23%v of irrigation water. Also, 73% relative applied water may produce 16% more yield if water was applied as EOFI rather than as EFI. Furthermore, an average of 43% higher water use efficiency was obtained in more frequent EOFI compared with EFI at less frequent intervals.

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