
Desert succulents resume substantial water uptake within 1–2 d of the cessation of drought, but the changes in root structure and hydraulic conductivity underlying such recovery are largely unknown. In the monocotyledonous leaf succulent Agave deserti Engelm. substantial root mortality occurred only for lateral roots near the soil surface; nearly all main roots were alive at 180 d of drought. New main roots were initiated and grew up to 320 mm at soil water potentials lower than – 5·0 MPa, utilizing water from the shoot. The hydraulic conductivity of distal root regions decreased 62% by 45 d of drought and 70% thereafter. After 7 d of rewetting, root hydraulic conductivity was restored following 45 d of drought but not after 90 and 180 d. The production of new lateral roots and the renewed apical elongation of main roots occurred 7–11 d after rewetting following 180 d of drought. Hydraulic conductivity was higher in the distal region than at midroot and often increased again near the root base, where many endodermal cells lacked suberin lamellae. Suberization and xylem maturation were influenced by the availability of moisture, suggesting that developmental plasticity along a root allows A. deserti to capitalize on intermittent or heterogeneous supplies of water.

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