
The contribution of water-filled, selective membrane pores (water channels) is integrated into a general concept of water transport in plant tissue. The concept is based on the composite anatomical structure of tissues which results in a composite transport pattern. Three main pathways of water flow have been distinguished, ie the apoplastic, symplastic and transcellular (vacuolar) paths. Since the symplastic and transcellular components can not be distinguished experimentally, these components are summarized as a cell-to-cell component. Water channel activity may control the overall water flow across tissues provided that the contribution of the apoplastic component is relatively low. The composite transport model has been applied to roots where most of the data are available. Comparison of the hydraulic conductivity at the root cell and organ levels shows that, depending on the species, there may be a dominating cell-to-cell or apoplastic water flow. Most remarkably, there are differences in the hydraulic conductivity of roots which depend on the nature of the force used to drive water flows (osmotic or hydrostatic pressure gradients). This is predicted by the model. The composite transport model explains low reflection coefficients of roots, the variability in root hydraulic resistance and differences between herbaceous and woody species. It is demonstrated that there is also a composite transport of water at the membrane level (water channel arrays vs bilayer arrays). This results in low reflection coefficients of plasma membranes for certain test solutes as derived for isolated internodes of Chara. The titration of water channel activity in this alga with mercurials and its dependence on changes in temperature or external concentration show that water channels do not exclusively transport water. Rather, they are permeable to relatively big uncharged organic solutes. The result indicates that, at least for Chara, the concept of an exclusive transport of water across water channels has to be questioned.

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