
Aims: To determine the effect of different curing times of a new method of polymerization by infrared radiation on the absorption and solubility in water of acrylic resin materials for denture base. Materials and Methods: In this study two types of denture base materials cured by heat were used (Traditional or Conventional and High Impact), the entire number of prepared specimens were (80) which grouped into: A- Control group: Consisted of two types of acrylic resin specimens polymerized by conventional water bath .B- Experimental group: Consisted of two types acrylic resin specimens polymerized by infrared radiation (IR) at different times of curing cycles. In each group; specimens were divided equally, some related to water sorption test others for solubility test. The mean of mass change of the material after they saturated with water and dried out of it was used, then analysis of data was done using one-way analysis of variance and Duncan test. Results: Statistically, no significant differences existed between Traditional and High Impact acrylic resin cured by water bath in water sorption and solubility tests. The means values for previously mentioned tests in two types of acrylic resin had been decreased significantly by changing type of curing from conventional water bath to (IR) method. Conclusions: The selection of appropriate time and type of curing method may optimize the level of absorption and solubility in water for previously mentioned materials.


  • The curing procedures had been altered through years to get better advantages for both mechanical and physical characteristics of polymer materials

  • The result of this study showed that there were statistically no differences existed between Traditional and High Impact Acrylic Resin (HI) acrylic resin denture base materials were polymerized by conventional water bath in water sorption and solubility tests; the Means and Standard Deviations for two tests of the studied materials were shown in Tables 1and 2 which represent Duncan Test

  • For water solubility of HI hot cured acrylic resin polymerized by infrared radiation (IR) at different times of polymerization cycle, there were statistically significant difference existed at level of significance P < 0.05 when compared with control group. these results showed in ANOVA Table 4, Figure 3 which represented Duncan Grouping revealed that the least mean values of water solubility test for both Traditional and HI hot cured acrylic resin denture base material had been obtained at T1 of IR polymerization

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The curing procedures had been altered through years to get better advantages for both mechanical and physical characteristics of polymer materials. [4] Thermal curing and curing by infrared radiation were identical to each other in which there was reduction in curing time to extent of [40] percentage which had it’s advantages to the practicing engineers and increasing the production rate in industry [5] Many couplings such as CH, CH2, CH3, CC are present in polymers, these molecules are vibrating at fixed or specified frequencies, wide majority of these molecular frequencies correspond to short wave and medium infrared zone over 1.5 μm, the advantages of Infrared and laser origins considering their high pliability and controllability, they were rather likable for heating, soldering of thermoplastics and identical implementation. The tissue reactions from using prosthesis results from residues releasing from a polymerized resin base. [10] The purposes of the this study was the evaluation of the effectiveness of a new method of

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