
The cross-sectional study presented in this chapter provides suggestive evidence of the association between improved water and sanitation and height gain. The evidence is clear to support a relationship between the provision of adequate drinking water, sanitation and hygiene and a reduction in child stunting though quantification of this requires further work. This requires open-minded sector institutions and professionals that are willing to embrace a multi-sector, multi-disciplinary dynamic approach, one which understands that the provision of adequate drinking water and sanitation coupled with improved hygiene practices. Association of improved drinking water supply, sanitation and/or hygiene with improved linear growth has been reported in several non-experimental studies. The Government of India has also started considering the key importance of WASH in the prevention of child undernutrition. Adequate levels of WASH provision and practices will not eliminate stunting in India on their own but will be an essential and hugely important milestone on that path.

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