
The objective of this study was to estimate the water repellency of post-boggy soils in north-eastern Poland. Potential water repellency was determined based on the water drop penetration time (WDPT) test and the molarity of an ethanol droplet (MED) test. A total of 276 soil samples with a varied organic carbon (OC) content, ranging from trace amounts in sandy subsoils to 44.4% in organic soils, were analyzed. The investigated material represents peat-muck soils (Eutri-Sapric Histsols) and muck-like soils (Arenic Gleysols, Areni-Humic Gleysols, Gleyic Arenosols). The mineral matter of the analyzed soils comprised loose sand. The obtained results indicate that peat soil formations are marked by higher potential water repellency than muck soil formations. The highest WDPT values (16 390 s) were reported in respect of an alder peat sample with 41.9% OC content, collected at a depth of 55–60 cm. In the group of muck soils, a sample with 36.7% OC content, collected at a depth of 15–20 cm, was marked by the highest water repellency (WDPT 10 492 s). The water repellency of the studied soils is dependent on organic matter content, and it is manifested only when organic matter content is higher than 20%. Soils with OC content of up to 12% show low water repellency or are hydrophilic. Organic soil formations (>12% OC) are characterized by a varied degree of water repellency, but WDPT values in excess of 2000 s are reported only in respect of soils containing more than 35% OC. A significant positive correlation between the content of organic matter, organic carbon, total nitrogen and water repellency was observed in the entire studied population (n = 276). A significant positive correlation was also found between WDPT values and the C:N ratio, while a significant negative correlation was reported in respect of \( pH_{H_2 O} \).

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