
The percentage of rosettes of the monocarpic perennial Agave deserti that flowered annually in the northwestern Sonoran Desert varied ca. 50-fold for the 8 yr considered. The number of days when the soil water potential in the root zone was above -0.5 MPa, enabling A. deserti to take up water, was approximately linearly related to the annual precipitation, which also varied considerably year-to-year. The percentage of flowering in a particular year could not be predicted from the number of wet days in that year, the year before, or 3 yr before (r2 ≤ .10, P > .5), but there was a positive correlation between percentage of flowering and the number of wet days 2 yr previously (r2 = .33, P = .1). Also, years with much flowering tended to alternate with those of little flowering (r2 = .64, P = .05). Indeed, 95% of the annual variation in the percentage of the rosettes that flowered could be accounted for by the year-to-year alternations together with the number of wet days 2 yr before the flowering (P = .01). Although over 90% of the rosettes with inflorescences were large, averaging 66 leaves and inflorescences 4 m tall, flowering also occurred for a few small rosettes, averaging only nine leaves and inflorescences only 0.8 m tall. The small flowering rosettes were all attached to large flowering rosettes by rhizomes with living cortical cells, suggesting that a hormone or other chemical signal/condition could be passed to the small rosettes leading to their precocious flowering.

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