
Introduction: Water play a pivtol role in the existence in the human life. water quality index is assessing the overall quality of water based on location, time and some parameters of water. water quality index is important tool for assessing the quality water on the surface. Water quality index assessing is the important parameter helps in improving the quality of drinking and ground water. Due to anthropogenic activites the quality of ground and drinking water is decreased. Objective: The main objective of research is to find the water quality index of the ground water and bore water in selected industrial area of the Kakinada and analyse the water quality index of it and absorption of ions by polymer composites for desalination and water treatment. Methodology: the water quality inex is calculated based on icmr standards. Results: The research results revealed that the sampling sites S-1,S-2 and S-3 is water quality index is less than 100 which is treated the poor quality of drinking water. The S-4,S-5,-6,S-7S-8,S-9,S-10,S-11,S-12 the water quality index is greater than 100 which is not suitable for drinking water. Conclusion: The water quality index observed at various stations shows that some places are not fits for drinking S-1,S-2 and S-3 are below 100 are very poor and S4-S12 sites are more polluted and unfit for drinking. The ground water is need to protected from pollution and govt need to take necessary measures to improve the quality of ground water and cyclodextrin polymer composites effective composite for removal of hardness and desalination.

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