
Rupat strait is located in the north of Dumai, Riau, Indonesia. Rupat strait is the center of shipping, industry, farming, and urban activities. The vast activities are expected to give pressures to Rupat strait ecosystem and its water quality. This study aims to identify the status of Rupat strait water contamination via determination of the degree of heavy metal pollution in Rupat strait water. Samples was taken from 10 location across Rupat strait while the remaining 1 location is the reference location. Sampling was conducted according to SNI 6964.8:2015 in both dry and wet seasons in 2022. The respective physical and chemical parameters were also measured during sampling. Based on the measurement, significant distinction of physical and chemical parameters other than water salinity, TSS, and turbidity (p>0.05) were observed in between wet season and dry season. Rupat strait water was moderately polluted in dry season with Pij 4-8 and mildly polluted in wet season with Pj 3-5. For heavy metal contamination, Rupat strait water was mildly polluted for the whole year with PLI 0.3-0.6. This finding is expected to contribute as references for the surrounding community to maximize the socioeconomic productivity in Rupat strait.

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