
抚仙湖流域未进行生态修复的磷矿废弃地面积142×10<sup>4</sup>m<sup>2</sup>,对磷矿废弃地污染物流失量和区域内径流污染物含量进行调查观测,并提出磷矿废弃地水污染防治对策.富磷矿石剖面和堆土场在风化作用和降雨淋溶作用下,大量氟、磷等元素释放,造成磷矿区内地表径流和地下渗流污染.结合实测的磷矿废弃地面积和土柱淋溶实验得到的污染物淋溶量,估算得到磷矿废弃地每年F<sup>-</sup>和TP的淋溶流失量为60.65t/a和27.34t/a,随地表径流迁移进入抚仙湖的F<sup>-</sup>和TP分别为22.58t/a和7.27t/a.由此可见,磷矿开采是抚仙湖的一个持久污染源,对湖泊营养化演变进程起了推动作用.;The un-restored post-mined lands in Lake Fuxian watershed is large scale, potentially covering over 142×10<sup>4</sup>m<sup>2</sup>. The investigation of the amounts of pollutants releasing from mined lands and transporting by runoffs was conducted. The erosion and eluviation on exposed phosphrite layer and overburden the resulted in the releasing of fluoride and phosphorus and water polluting. The releasing and transporting amounts of pollutants were calculated according to the results of column leaching studies and acreages of exposed phosphrite layers and overburdens. The results showed that the amounts of fluoride and phosphorus releasing were 60.65t/a and 27.34t/a, respectively, and the amounts of fluoride and phosphorus transported by surface runoffs were 22.58t/a and 7.27t/a, respectively. In conclusion, phosphorus mining activity is an important non-point source of water contamination of Lake Fuxian.

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