
Foreword 1. Introduction: Water Policy and Management in Spain: 2. The Challenges of Implementing the Water Framework Directive in Spain 3. The European Water Framework Directive: A Framework? 4. Who Manages Spain's Water Resources? The Political and Administrative Division of Water Management 5. Assessment of the Draft Hydrological Basin Plan of the Guadalquivir River Basin (Spain) 6. Irrigated Agriculture in Spain: Diagnosis and Prescriptions for Improved Governance 7. Assessment of Nonpoint Pollution Instruments: The Case of Spanish Agriculture 8. Urban Water Service Policies and Management in Spain: Pending Issues 9. Is the Pricing of Urban Water Services Justifiably Perceived as Unequal among Spanish Cities? 10. Tariffs for Urban Water Services in Spain: Household Size and Equity 11. Groundwater: The Invisible Resource 12. Evaluation of Spain's Water-Energy Nexus 13. Desalination in Spain: A Growing Alternative for Water Supply

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