
The complex hydrodynamics of water entry by a spinning sphere are investigated experimentally for low Froude numbers. Standard billiard balls are shot down at the free surface with controlled spin around one horizontal axis. High-speed digital video sequences reveal unique hydrodynamic phenomena which vary with spin rate and impact velocity. As anticipated, the spinning motion induces a lift force on the sphere and thus causes significant curvature in the trajectory of the object along its descent, similar to a curveball pitch in baseball. However, the splash and cavity dynamics are highly altered for the spinning case compared to impact of a sphere without spin. As spin rate increases, the splash curtain and cavity form and collapse asymmetrically with a persistent wedge of fluid emerging across the centre of the cavity. The wedge is formed as the sphere drags fluid along the surface, due to the no-slip condition; the wedge crosses the cavity in the same time it takes the sphere to rotate one-half a revolution. The spin rate relaxation time plateaus to a constant for tangential velocities above half the translational velocity of the sphere. Non-dimensional time to pinch off scales with Froude number as does the depth of pinch-off; however, a clear mass ratio dependence is noted in the depth to pinch off data. A force model is used to evaluate the lift and drag forces on the sphere after impact; resulting forces follow similar trends to those found for spinning spheres in oncoming flow, but are altered as a result of the subsurface air cavity. Images of the cavity and splash evolution, as well as force data, are presented for a range of spin rates and impact speeds; the influence of sphere density and diameter are also considered.

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