
This article describes a case of contamination of a karstic aquifer by abandoning an underground mine exploiting sulphide ore body. To exploit the ore, the aquifer was drained and the water level declined about 230 m, drying up the spring that had drained the aquifer up to that moment. When the mining activity ceased, the piezometric level recovered and contaminated water began to flow out from a mine adit. The water is high in sulphates and dissolved Fe, although the pH is neutral. When this water reached the nearby creek, the fish population was eliminated, principally due to the presence of toxic metals and the precipitation of Fe hydroxides. The contamination originated in an area of the partially flooded mine rooms where the ore is in contact with both air and water. The acidity generated by pyrite oxidation is neutralized by calcite dissolution. Presently, the mine water is diverted to the old tailings pond which functions as an aerobic wetland. This action has allowed the fish population in the creek to be restored.

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