
1. Introduction: Water and Security in Central Asia-Solving a Rubik's Cube 2. Nouns and Numbers of the Water -Energy-Security Nexus in Central Asia 3. Regional Options for Addressing the Water, Energy and Food Nexus in Central Asia and the Aral Sea Basin 4. The Major Central Asian River Basins: An Assessment of Vulnerability 5. The Role of Virtual Water Flows in Physical Water Scarcity: The Case of Central Asia 6. Principles of Transboundary Water Resources Management and Water-related Agreements in Central Asia: An Analysis 7. Water Quantity and Quality in the Zerafshan River Basin: Only an Upstream Riparian Problem? 8. A Programme Theory Approach in Measuring Impacts of Irrigation Management Transfer Interventions: The Case of Central Asia 9. Meso-level Cooperation on Transboundary Tributaries and Infrastructure in the Ferghana Valley 10. Is It Possible to Shift to Hydrological Boundaries? The Ferghana Valley Meshed System 11. Challenges and Opportunities for Transboundary Water Cooperation in Central Asia: Findings from UNECE's Regional Assessment and Project Work

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