
This paper analyzes the impact of water and emission limitations on expansion planning of thermal power plants (TPPs), in Iran. TPPs need considerable amount of water for their cooling system. In Iran, water crisis of recent years has made it impossible to operate existing steam power plants in some areas, during summer season. This paper considers water availability and cost in generation expansion planning (GEP) of Iran. There are different types of water resources such as rivers, dams, treated wastewater, seawater, seawater transmission line, saline groundwater, and groundwater. Considering available capacity of water resources in each area and sorting their extraction cost in ascending order, some water consumption cost curves are derived. For this purpose, data of about 200 water resources located in different regions of Iran are analyzed. Provided GEP model includes a 15-years planning horizon and analyzes several scenarios of water availability. Although, in low water price scenarios, air temperature and height above sea level have more impact on placement of TPPs, it is different for high water price scenarios. Also, the effect of emission-related policies on GEP decisions is analyzed by considering various fuel types of TPPs, penalties for emissions, and global restrictions on greenhouse gas production.

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