
All-round Medical science research management is based on the hypothesis that human body has nature resistance to diseases.Under this principle,the author put forward and annotated a specific concept about philosophical guess:medical and life tree consists in spirit-guided,human-oriented and matter-based.Especially,the idea on the supernatural was originally explained by the author.The relationship between the medicine and life was proposed using the strategy of analysis,synthesis,inducing,deducing,discursiveness and judgment,combining Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM)with western medicine,as well as following the integrated modern biology-mentality-society medicinal mode.Wenchuan's earthquake of Sichuan province shaked all over the world.It also showed that the relation between the medicine and life,which confirmed that philosophical hypothesis(i.e.life tree)is theoretical value and practical significance in both theory and reality perspective. Key words: Medical science research; Philosophy; medicine

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