
Topicality. The dairy industry as a branch, characterized by a high level of waste generation, is the object of widespread baromembrane processes use. At the same time, scientists continue to work on the introduction of new dairy products types, new ways of raw materials processing, improving the quality and competitiveness of products. According to “The concept of state policy in the field of healthy nutrition of the population in Ukraine”, one of the ways to solve this problem is to ensure the necessary production of raw materials and food products, in particular protein, available to all population segments, to search and improve modern technologies in producing high quality food products and ways of achieving their long-term biosafety. Expanding the range of protein foods, increasing their biological value, as well as creating a new generation of products that follow the requirements of healthy nutrition, is an urgent task of modern society. One of the possible ways to solve this problem is the targeted usage of nutrients in secondary dairy raw materials, which is fully ensured by their concentration due to the baromembrane processing of raw materials. The aim of the article is an analytical study of the main directions of waste-free processing of secondary dairy raw into food products using membrane separation methods, in order to further creation of advanced technologies for the production of concentrated dairy semi-finished products. Research methods: analytical, standard conventional physicochemical, biochemical, calometric, as well as methods of experiment planning and mathematical processing of experimental data using modern computer programmes. Research results. The analysis of studies in the dependence of concentration factor of secondary dairy raw materials membrane processing (skimmed milk, buttermilk and curd whey) on the duration of the process is presented. The chemical composition of the products with the secondary milk raw materials ultrafiltration concentration is analyzed: retentates and permeates. A schematic diagram of the complex processing of skimmed milk and buttermilk into finished food products with the ultrafiltration process participation is presented. An improved scheme for the processing of whey into functional products using membrane technologies is presented. The scheme of non-waste technologies of whole milk processing with complex usage of secondary milk raw materials (waste) into industrial use is elaborated. Conclusions and discussion. The usage of membrane ways for raw milk processing, in particular, secondary, allows to introduce waste-free technologies of its processing for further implementation both at restaurant enterprises, and at other manufactures of food industry, that solves an important task of society development. The research results of the change in the concentration factor from the duration of the membrane processing the secondary dairy raw materials indicate the effectiveness of the bubbling method use during ultrafiltration concentration of skimmed milk, buttermilk and whey from sour cheese. Studies of the qualitative characteristics of the products with ultrafiltration concentration of secondary dairy raw materials confirm the growth of protein, fat and solids content, and the preservation of the native qualities of raw milk. The results of preliminary researches of the membrane processing methods for secondary dairy raw materials made it possible to elaborate the schemes for technologies in waste-free processing both definite types of presented products, and the general technology for whole milk processing.

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