
Waste-to-Energy Technologies (WtE) have been widely used in European countries, in Japan, in some US cities, and have been growing in China. Currently, in Brazil, there are no WtE power plants in operation, but there are studies on the feasibility of this technology. The Systematic Bibliographic Review (SBR) presented in this mini-review article appears as a result of a process of prospecting documents in the following databases: Science Direct, Web of Science and Scopus. The purpose was to map the articles of the last five years on the applications of WtE technologies in Brazil. From the selection of articles relevant to the research, these documents were registered and cataloged, as well as their qualitative and quantitative analyses. During the systematization process, it was possible to raise hypotheses about which professionals have been working the most on this topic, the journals in which these researches are being published and the keywords most addressed for these case studies. In addition, it was possible to identify the characteristics of the publications related to the theme, the central axes of analysis of the studies and the primary techniques studied for the Brazilian reality. It was also considered part of the results of the present work, the systematization of the main definitions of WtE, the presentation of the main WtE technologies operations, and the exposition of the benefits and impacts of each of these technologies.

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