
Waste reduction algorithm - WAR is a tool helping process engineers for environmental impact assessment. WAR algorithm is a methodology for determining the potential environmental impact (PEI) of a chemical process. In particular, the bitumen production process was analyzed following three stages: a) atmospheric distillation unit, b) vacuum distillation unit, and c) bitumen production unit. Study was developed for the middle sized oil refinery with capacity of 5000000 tones of crude oil per year. Results highlight the most vulnerable aspects of the environmental pollution that arise during the manufacturing process of bitumen. The overall rates of PEI leaving the system (PEI/h) - Iout PEI/h are: a) 2.14105, b) 7.17104 and c) 2.36103, respectively. The overall rates of PEI generated within the system - Igen PEI/h are: a) 7.75104, b) -4.31104 and c) -4.32102, respectively. Atmospheric distillation unit have the highest overall rate of PEI while the bitumen production unit have the lowest overall rate of PEI. Comparison of Iout PEI/h and Igen PEI/h values for the atmospheric distillation unit, shows that the overall rate of PEI generated in the system is 36.21% of the overall rate of PEI leaving the system. In the cases of vacuum distillation and bitumen production units, the overall rate of PEI generated in system have negative values, i.e. the overall rate of PEI leaving the system is reduced at 60.11% (in the vacuum distillation unit) and at 18.30% (in the bitumen production unit). Analysis of the obtained results for the overall rate of PEI, expressed by weight of the product, confirms conclusions.


  • Šematski prikaz postrojenja za vakuum destilaciju (I – intermedijer, P – produkt)

  • Šematski prikaz postrojenja za bitumen (I – intermedijer, P – produkt)

  • Uticaj pojedinačnih potencijalnog uticaja na životnu sredinu (PEI) kategorija na vrednost PEI indikatora u postrojenju atmosferske destilacije nafte Table 4

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Proces proizvodnje bitumena energetski je veoma zahtevan, sa potencijalno veoma značajnim uticajima na životnu sredinu. Rezultat sume (zbira) PEI indikatora je indeks zagađenja koji daje kvantitativnu meru uticaja procesa na životnu sredinu. PEI indikatori ukazuju kakav efekat na životnu sredinu bi mogli imati količine materijala i energije koji učestvuju u procesu proizvodnje kada bi oni bili uzeti iz životne sredine ili bi bili emitovani u nju [5,10]. Za izračunavanje PEI indikatora korišćen je softverski model WAR GUI koji je razvila Agencija za zaštitu životne sredine Sjedinjenih Američkih Država (eng. US Environmental Protection Agency – US EPA) [22]. Na osnovu udela PEI kategorija u PEI indikatoru moguće je zaključiti na koje faktore životne sredine proces najviše utiče. Jedini indikator za koji softverski model WAR GUI ne pokazuje uticaj pojedinačnih PEI kategorija je ukupna emitovana energije iz procesa izražena po masi proizvoda

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