
The market is one of the public places that is the center of public transactions as well as economic activities that have the potential to generate waste. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the implementation of waste management which consists of institutional, financial, operational, legal and regulatory aspects, as well as community participation in waste management in Aror Iroro Serui Market. The research was conducted using qualitative quantitative descriptive method with cross sectional approach. Data collection techniques used observation and measurement sheets, questionnaires, and in-depth interviews. The object of research was a waste management system starting with observation, then data collection was carried out through questionnaires to traders and data synchronization was carried out with in-depth interviews with market managers then narrated and carried out SWOT analysis (Strength, Opportunities, Weakness, Threats). The results show that the average waste generation reaches 98.1 m3. SWOT analysis shows that the existing strategy is included in quadrant II or a diversification strategy with a value of X, Y (0.91; -0.8). Based on the SWOT analysis, a solid waste management program strategy is obtained in the form of diversification or diversification of waste management regulations, programs to increase obedience of officers in carrying out their obligations, procurement of adequate infrastructure, and forms of effective approaches for the community.

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