
Analysis of disease and defect data from a national meat inspection database for very young calves slaughtered in New Zealand up to 1987 revealed low prevalences of diseases and defects but relatively high condemnation rates within particular disease and defect categories. Calves slaughtered between 1987 and 1992 showed a decrease in the total condemnation rate of carcasses from 2.20% to 1.17%. The greatest reductions in condemnation rates were seen in the categories of wounds and bruises and "other" reasons; navel ill (omphalophlebitis) was initially included in the latter category and condemnations due to this condition persisted as the most frequent cause of wastage. The decrease in condemnation rates occurred subsequent to implementation of a national farm-gate quality assurance programme and a scientific investigation of traditional meat inspection carcass condemnation criteria. The former led to an increase in the quality of calves submitted for slaughter and the latter to changes in specifications for meat inspection judgments for several localised and resolved diseases and defects. Alterations to the disease and defect recording categories of the database have resulted in more appropriate national statistics and such a database can be used to identify inconsistencies in the application of meat inspection judgments between slaughterhouses.

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