
U.S. presidential elections can be stressful for many Americans; however, there is little research as to how elections might influence mental health of undocumented immigrants specifically. The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election had the potential to dramatically influence immigration policies with the Democratic candidate promising a pathway toward citizenship for undocumented immigrants who arrived in the U.S. as minors (i.e., dreamers), and the incumbent Republican candidate threatening to terminate the DACA program. Using an online survey method, this exploratory longitudinal study examined whether dreamers' mental health changed following the U.S. presidential election, while also examining risk factors associated with their mental health. We employed GAD-7 and PHQ-9 questionnaires as preclinical screens for anxiety and depression. We found that the mean anxiety and depression scores decreased significantly following the election, i.e., when the democratic candidate was declared the winner. Risk factors for mental health problems also differed before and after the election. Risk factors for depression before the election included being female, Hispanic white, having a low self-reported status on the subjective social ladder, and having high perceived discrimination; risk factors for depression after the election included coming to the U.S. at an older age and high perceived discrimination. Risk factors for anxiety before the election included being female, having more siblings, both parents working, and high perceived discrimination. Risk factors for anxiety after the election included low self-reported status on the subjective social ladder, being a freshman, and high perceived discrimination. Preliminary results suggest that mental health of dreamers improved after the election. In addition, while risk factors differed before and after the election, perceived everyday discrimination remained a consistent risk factor for mental health issues.

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