
Abstract According to the traditional understanding of Genesis 38:9, whenever Onan would perform the duties of Levirate marriage with Tamar, he would let his sperm »be ruined.« The central verbal form reads: wešiḥ(h)et. In the present contribution this translation is called into question. It will be argued that wešiḥ(h)et here is not to be derived from √šḥt (1) »to ruin,« but from a different root, namely √šḥt 2 »to let flow, to spurt« (corresponding to the Akkadian šaḫātu »to flow [away], to rinse, to wash«). The text would therefore simply state that Onan ejaculated his sperm onto the ground so as not to impregnate Tamar (coitus interruptus). Should this interpretation be correct, the far-reaching reception history of the text, including the prohibition of any form of »Onanism,« would have to be reassessed.

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