
THE DEVELOPMENT AND AGE OF THE KARST IN GYPSUM DEPOSITS OF THE NIECKA SOLECKA (SOLEC BASIN) AREA Abstract. A variety of types of karst forms has been identified in Neogene gypsum of the Niecka Solecka (Solec Basin), including large karstic-denudational depressions, karst (blind) valleys, sinkholes, and numerous but short and simple (branchwork and rudimentary branchwork type) caves. Most of these forms represent the epigenic, exposed karst, that developed during the Quaternary and is still active. The largest karst-denudational depressions could have started to develop in the Late Neogene. The epigenic character of karst forms (and most of caves) in gypsum of the Niecka Solecka makes this region distinctive from Western Ukraine, where large maze cave systems representing intrastratal karst occur. In the Niecka Solecka region only a few caves represent intrastratal karst formed in confined, freatic conditions probably in the Late Neogene.

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