
Warsaw — Constantinople — Ankara. The Turkish direction in the Promethean activity of Polish diplomacy (on the margin of the book: Iurii Chainskyi, Walka za kulisami dyplomacji międzywojennej. Turcja w polskiej polityce prometejskiej w latach 1918–1932, Studium Europy Wschodniej UW, Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa 2020, ss. 536) The article is an analysis of Iurii Chainskyi’s book Walka za kulisami dyplomacji międzywojennej. Turcja w polskiej polityce prometejskiej w latach 1918–1932 [Behind the Scenes of International Diplomacy. Turkey in Polish Promethean Policy in 1918–1932] (Warsaw 2020). Studies describing the history of Prometheism are still rare. The book under review is an extremely important, perhaps even the most important, study among those devoted to Prometheism. It impresses primarily with its source base. Chainskyi brings to light a number of new, previously unknown archive documents. This has enabled him not only to determine the role of Turkey as a state (Ottoman Empire and Republic of Turkey) as well as its geographical area in Polish Promethean activities of 1918–1932, but also to present the relations between Poland and the political elites of states and national entities that emerged within the territory of the former Russian Empire, elites who after their countries’ conquest by the Soviet Union emigrated mainly to Turkey and Western Europe. In addition, the author devotes a lot of attention in his book to the internal history of the Promethean movement. Particularly interesting are the author’s findings concerning the impact of Ankara’s and Warsaw’s relations with Moscow on the operation of Caucasian and Ukrainian anti- Soviet organisations.

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