
A warm-intermediate inflationary universe model is studied in the presence of the Galileon coupling $G(\phi,X)=g(\phi)X$. General conditions required for successful inflation are deduced and discussed from the background and cosmological perturbations under slow-roll approximation. In our analyze we assume that the dynamics of our model evolves accordingly two separate regimes, namely $3g\dot{\phi}H\gg 1+R$, i.e., when the Galileon term dominates over the standard kinetic term and the dissipative ratio, and secondly in the regime where both $3g\dot{\phi}H$ and $R$ become of the same order than unity. For these regimes and assuming that the coupling parameter $g=g_0=$ constant, we consider two different dissipative coefficients $\Gamma$; one constant and the other being a function of the inflaton field. Furthermore, we find the allowed range in the space of parameters for our G-warm model by considering the latest data of Planck and also the BICEP2/Keck-Array data from the $r=r(n_s)$ plane, in combination with the conditions in which the Galileon term dominates and the thermal fluctuations of the inflaton field predominate over the quantum ones.

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