
How do large-mammal communities reassemble after being pushed to the brink of extinction? Few data are available to answer this question, as it is rarely possible to document both the decline and recovery of wildlife populations. Here we present the first in-depth quantitative account of war-induced collapse and postwar recovery in a diverse assemblage of large herbivores. In Mozambique’s Gorongosa National Park, we assembled data from 15 aerial wildlife counts conducted before (1968–1972) and after (1994–2018) the Mozambican Civil War (1977–1992). Pre-war total biomass density exceeded 9,000 kg km-2, but populations declined by >90% during the war. Since 1994, total biomass has substantially recovered, but species composition has shifted dramatically. Formerly dominant large herbivores—including elephant (Loxodonta africana), hippo (Hippopotamus amphibius), buffalo (Syncerus caffer), zebra (Equus quagga), and wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus)—are now outnumbered by waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus) and other small to mid-sized antelopes. Waterbuck abundance has increased by an order of magnitude, with >55,000 individuals accounting for >74% of large-herbivore biomass in 2018. By contrast, elephant, hippo, and buffalo, which totaled 89% of pre-war biomass, now comprise just 23%. These trends mostly reflect natural population growth following the resumption of protection under the Gorongosa Restoration Project; reintroductions (465 animals of 7 species) accounted for a comparatively small fraction of the total numerical increase. Waterbuck are growing logistically, apparently as-yet unchecked by interspecific competition or predation (apex-carnivore abundance has been low throughout the post-war interval), suggesting a community still in flux. Most other herbivore populations have increased post-war, albeit at differing rates. Armed conflict remains a poorly understood driver of ecological change; our results demonstrate the potential for rapid post-war recovery of large-herbivore biomass, given sound protected-area management, but also suggest that restoration of community structure takes longer and may require active intervention.


  • Ecosystems worldwide have been altered by faunal declines and extirpations, which have accelerated sharply over the past century [1,2]

  • Fifteen landscape types are recognized in Gorongosa National Park (GNP), with floodplain grasslands and Acacia-Combretum savanna predominating in the Rift Valley and miombo woodlands occurring at higher elevations to the east and west [30] (Fig 1C)

  • Hippo, and elephant jointly represented >87% of mean pre-war biomass among the nine focal species, whereas waterbuck accounted for just ~4%; in contrast, waterbuck represented >74% of total biomass of these nine species by 2018 (Fig 4; S2 Table)

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Ecosystems worldwide have been altered by faunal declines and extirpations, which have accelerated sharply over the past century [1,2]. Throughout most of Africa, the abundance of many taxa decreased by nearly 60% between 1970 and 2005 [7] due to habitat loss, climatic shifts, exploitation, and displacement by growing human populations [8,9]. Armed human conflict can be a potent driver of wildlife declines and biodiversity loss, but its ecological impacts remain little-studied [10,11,12,13]. In Africa, armed conflict has generally been associated with wildlife declines of varying magnitude [12]. These declines can result from a tangle of interrelated mechanisms, including human displacement, livelihood loss, erosion of social networks and norms, relaxation or disintegration of governance, trade of animal products for weaponry, and general economic malaise [10]. Efforts to conserve and restore heavily impacted landscapes create opportunities to rehabilitate large-mammal assemblages following such mass-mortality events [15,16,17]

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