
Introduction ... 1 Brian Davies Economic Effectiveness of the Muscovite Pomest'e System: An Examination of Estate Incomes and Military Expenses in the Mid-16th Century...19 Janet Martin The Habsburg Defense System in Hungary Against the Ottomans in the Sixteenth Century: A Catalyst of Military Development in Central Europe ...35 Geza Palff y The Polish-Lithuanian Army in the Reign of King Stefan Bathory (1576-1586) ...63 Dariusz Kupisz Guliai-gorod, Wagenburg, and Tabor Tactics in 16th-17th Century Muscovy and Eastern Europe ...93 Brian Davies The Flodorf Project: Russia in the International Mercenary Market in the Early Seventeenth Century ...109 Oleg A. Nozdrin Food and Supply: Logistics and the Early Modern Russian Army ...119 Carol B. Stevens Crimean Tatar Long-Range Campaigns: The View from Remmal Khoja's History of Sahib Gerey Khan ...147 Victor Ostapchuk The Siege of Azov in 1641: Military Realities and Literary Myth ...173 Brian J. Boeck The Generation of 1683: The Scientifi c Revolution and Generalship in the Habsburg Army, 1686-1723 ...199 Erik A. Lund Command and Control in the Seventeenth-Century Russian Army ...249 Peter B. Brown Ottoman Military Power in the Eighteenth Century ...315 Virginia Aksan List of Contributors ...349 Bibliography ...353 Index ...357

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