
This study aims to examine crypto art in the context of aura (halo), uniqueness, testimony, and, authenticity by evaluating digital NFT technology from the perspective of Benjamin, who has only experienced image technologies such as photography and cinema. The research argues that the aura did not vanish with crypto-art in fact, an aura similar to the one described by Benjamin (1935) has never emerged. In this context, the study argues that the uniqueness that Benjamin said was separated from the work of art by technological reproduction is returned to the work of art with more advanced technology named blockchain. The study seeks an answer to the question: "Is aura possible for an NFT?". The study argues that the cult value in traditional art has replaced by the value of ownership with NFTs, the notion of uniqueness has turned into digital scarcity, the state of being tied to the ceremony has been replaced by freedom, and the new form of the aura is that art is freedom from the maternal archetype.

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