
Results are presented from a survey of walleye and northern pike in Ethel, Marie and Wolf Lakes, Alberta conducted May‐September, 1983. Three types of experimental gill net were fished, mainly inshore. Northern pike were abundant in all three lakes but white sucker and yellow perch also were common. Walleye were caught in largest numbers in Wolf Lake. Age and growth of both walleye and northern pike were determined from examination of the opercular bones. The walleye in the three lakes were represented by a few strong year classes but there was no synchronism between the lakes. The strong 1975 year class in Ethel and Wolf Lakes may have been correlated with high spring precipitation and heavy run‐off. Although there were dominant year classes in the northern pike populations (especially the 1979 year class) the variability was not so marked as in the walleye. There were no significant differences between length‐at‐age for year classes of walleye in Ethel and Marie or northern pike in all three lakes. In Wolf Lake the 1978 and 1979 year classes grew faster than in previous years. Walleye and northern pike growth was well described by the von Bertalanffy growth model. Females of both species grew to a greater ultimate length and had a longer lifespan than the males. Fecundity data are presented for walleye from Wolf Lake (log10 absolute fecundity = 0.856 + 2.441 log10 length) and northern pike from Marie Lake (log10 absolute fecundity =−2.671+4.052 log10 length). The stomach contents of both species were examined during May and June. The majority of walleye had empty stomachs. Walleye and northern pike in Ethel and Wolf Lakes fed on a variety of fish and invertebrate species but both fed mainly on fish (in particular whitefish) in Marie Lake. The similarity of diet suggests competition for prey species. A walleye yield to commercial fishermen of c. 0.69 kg ha−1 year−1 in Wolf Lake has made up 8% of the total catch. Since 1970/71 when mesh size of nets was increased, the yield has been reduced to c. 0.30 kg ha−1 year−1. Anglers remove an additional c. 0.48 kg ha−1 year−1 walleye from Wolf Lake. Northern pike yields to commercial fishermen have been c. 2.00 kg ha−1 year−1 in Wolf Lake. Ethel and Marie Lakes have yielded only poor catches of walleye and northern pike. A yield model was used to illustrate that faster‐growing northern pike have higher potential yields than walleye. Walleye produce higher yields in Wolf Lake than in Marie Lake, the reverse being true for northern pike. It is suggested that northern pike could be cropped at a higher rate in Marie and Wolf Lakes with a possible improvement in walleye stocks.

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