
Sukarno-Hatta street corridor is forecasted to be one of Malang City business corridors. However, the condition of its pedestrian facilities is not suitable for pedestrian. The rapid activities along the Sukarno-Hatta street corridor are not in accordance with the services of its pedestrian facilities; so, it is necessary to plan a walkable street corridor that accommodates pedestrian perceptions. Several descriptive and quantitative analysis methods used in this research are support activity analysis, the pattern of pedestrian movement, importance performance analysis and walkability tool index by U.S. Department and Human Services. Based on walkability analysis, the level of walkability of Sukarno- Hatta street corridor is 52.49%, which means the walkability level is medium. The improvements of pedestrian way based on pedestrian perception are: improvement and addition of pedestrian ways that are not continuous, planting plants that can reduce air pollution, availability of crossings, the addition of shade trees, traffic management to reduce vehicle congestion and parking designs.

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