
A large number of ractical sensing and actuating applications require immediate notification of rare but urgent events and also fast delivery of time sensitive actuation commands. In this a er,we consider the design of efficient wakeup scheduling schemes for energy constrained sensor nodes that adhere to the bidirectional end-to-end delay constraints posed by such applications. We evaluate several existing scheduling schemes and propose novel scheduling methods that outperform existing ones.We also resent a new family of wakeu methods,called multi-parent schemes, which take a cross-layer a roach where multiple routes for transfer of messages and wakeup schedules for various nodes are crafted in synergy to increase longevity while reducing message delivery latencies. We analyze the power-delay and lifetime-latency tradeoffs for several wakeup methods and show that our proposed techniques significantly improve the performance and allow for much longer network lifetime while satisfying the latency constraints.

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