
Visceral adiposity is a significant marker of all-cause mortality. Reproductive age women are at a considerable risk for developing visceral adiposity; however, the associated factors are poorly understood. The proposed study evaluated whether food craving experienced during the premenstrual period is associated with waist circumference. Forty-six women (mean BMI = 24.36) prospectively provided daily ratings of food craving across two-three menstrual cycles (122 cycles total). Their premenstrual rating of food craving was contrasted against food craving in the follicular phase to derive a corrected summary score of the premenstrual food craving increase. Study groups were divided into normal (n = 26) and obese (n = 20) based on the 80 cm waist circumference cutoff signifying an increase in risk. Waist circumference category was significantly associated with premenstrual food cravings [F(1,44) = 5.12, p = 0.028]. Post hoc comparisons using the Tukey HSD test (95% family-wise confidence level) showed that the mean score for the food craving effect size was 0.35 higher for the abdominally obese vs. normal study groups (95% CI: 0.039 to 0.67). The result was statistically significant even following inclusion of BMI in the model, pointing to a particularly dangerous process of central fat accumulation. The present study establishes an association between temporal vulnerability to an increased food-related behavior and a marker of metabolic abnormality risk (i.e., waist circumference), thereby forming a basis for integrating the premenstruum as a viable intervention target for this at-risk sex and age group.

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