
Branding is the process of brand formation by the company to the public. Each company must have their own branding activities according to the excellences of each company. In start-up companies, branding activities are important to help achieve the demands of start-up companies. This study, the focus is on branding activities carried out by Wahyoo company. The aim is to describe Wahyoo's company branding activities. This research is a descriptive qualitative research with a case study method.The results of this study are that in general Wahyoo has implemented a branding strengthening strategy, namely making sales as the main actors in introducing Wahyoo from one stall to another, distributing banners and merchandise, using taglines, holding event gatherings from small to large scale, become a sponsor with artists in certain projects, make Wahyoo founder and CEO Peter Shearer a resource person in various activities, carry out activities that have a direct impact on Wahyoo partners in particular and the wider community in general. And based on the results of interviews with Wahyoo's partners, it can be concluded that Warteg Galih have experienced Wahyoo's promotions when strengthening branding. In this case, the Wahyoo company continues to associate branding activities with Wahyoo's company tagline, namely loyal friends of food stalls, by utilizing Wahyo's company branding, partners also get special promotional benefits, namely Warteg Galih by promoting their stall and in general MSMEs stall because it is under the spotlight that food stall has changed to be neater, cleaner, and more.

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