
Polish “generation of independence fighters” became politically active during the last year of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, a period of rapid social, political and ideological changes. Władysław Studnicki belonged to this generation. His origin from old Polish Borderlands and family upbringing explains his belief that a recovery of Polish independence should be absolute political priority, as well as his anti-Russian attitude. Because in Studnicki’s opinion recovering of Polish independence could only be regained as a result of war between powers responsible for Polish partition, he was actively supporting creation of Polish military organizations. During the World War I, drawing conclusions from declining importance of Austro-Hungary, Studnicki decided that restoration of independent Poland can only happen with German help and persuaded Germans that this was in their interest. In 1915 the central powers proclaimed recognition of Poland’s independence, known as “Act of 5th May”) that had a major influence on accepting the desire of restoration of Poland by France and Gt. Britain (at that time allies of Russia). Due to his absence of political ability, his role in bringing about the Act of 5th May brought him no popularity. During the inter-war period Studnicki was mainly active as a writer, producing books and articles on politics and economics. In politics he advocated idea of Polish-German cooperation and during the last pre-war year, foreseeing the disastrous effects of Polish-German war, he argued against Poland joining antiGerman alliance. During German occupation of Poland he attempted to persuade Germans to cease their brutal suppression. These attempts were totally unsuccessful and caused him to be imprisoned and being beaten by Gestapo. The last years of his life Studnicki spent in exile in England.

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