
Although PIXE is usually performed with protons, PIXE with heavier ions can be useful in some specific cases. A number of Ion Beam Analysis (IBA) techniques, like ERDA (Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis), NRA (Nuclear Reaction Analysis), AMS (Accelerator Mass Spectrometry), or MeV-SIMS (MeV Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry), require the use of heavier ions. In such cases the simultaneous use of PIXE could be beneficial. One of the prerequisites for such use of PIXE is good knowledge of X-ray production with heavier ions. In order to update the data base of heavy ion X-ray production cross sections, we have recently started with the systematic study of M-Shell X-ray production induced by carbon ions on heavy elements between W and Bi. Following previous works on Au and Pb (Haidra et al., 2018) and Pt and Bi (Haidra et al., 2019). In this work, we have measured particularly Mαβ, Mγ and total M-shell X-ray production cross section in tungsten and thallium induced by carbon ions of energy range 1.56 MeV to 5 MeV on respective thin targets. The obtained new experimental data are compared to the theoretical predictions given in the framework of the models Plane Wave Born Approximation (PWBA) (Brandt and Lapicki, 1981), ECPSSR (Brandt and Lapicki, 1981) and the Semi-Classical Approximation with united atom (SCA-UA) and separated atom (SCA-SA) correction (Bang and Hansteen, 1957) [5].

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