
This article is about the remarkable philosopher of St Petersburg of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, V.Yu. Sukhachev. The path of his progress, and factors of formation and circumstances of his original thought are presented. He was one of the organizers of the Nietzsche Seminar, which was an important event in the philosophical life of St Petersburg. He was a talented teacher, because he did not teach anything intentionally. With his lectures and speeches, he presented the image of a radically modern thinker, who skillfully navigated the entire history of philosophical thought. The stoic asceticism of the philosopher, including abstinence from vanity, was natural for him. The initiation and the result of his reflections was this thesis: a philosopher should stand on his own. One should know well the history of philosophy, its concepts, the logic of the development of its ideas and, of course, if possible, to read them in the original. But one’s own grounds in philosophy are not based only on concepts of heritage, but also on practically accumulated personal potential of resistance and the trained critical ability of the mind. The article analyzes the cornerstone of Vyacheslav Sukhachev’s philosophical position, his polemical theses and provocations, and his advance and contribution to the history of the St Petersburg/Leningrad school of philosophy. The basis of philosophical thinking for him is the will, which manifests itself, ncluding in the traditional “self-care”. Will is what makes it possible to take a place in the world, and what makes it possible to be free. Will allows one to establish a sovereign position and outline the limits of existence, to protect them rigidly and prevent others from invading his world. He insists and promotes the idea that neither the historical situation nor the biographical context have their own philosophical value.

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