
In this article, the first Scheme of Neogene volcanism of the western part of Vygorlat-Gutin ridge (Transcarpathian Inner Deep) is presented. The scheme is based on the new comprehensive methology of the stratification and correlation of volcanogenic formations. The scheme is created by the results of detailed study of the structure and evolution of magmatism of six of the nine central-type volcanoes known in Ukrainian Transcarpathian — Poprychny, Antalivsky, Makovytsya, Trostyanytsya, Synyak, Dekhmanov. For the first time in Ukraine, the “inter-volcanic” correlation of volcanic complexes of the volcanoes of central type is performed, which is largely based on the recurrence (staging) of the development of Neogene volcanism of Transcarpathian Deep. It is determined that Vygorlat-Gutin ridge formed as a result of the third and fourth volcanic stages during the Late Sarmatian–Pannonian. Each stage took place in two stages (early and late). Lava and pyroclastic eruptions of the early stages in chemical composition are acidic, and of the later ones are average (antidromic series). Volcanic complexes formed in each of these stages are determined in all of investigated volcanic structures. The age and stages of formation of these complexes are justified by the chemical composition, absolute age and the position in sections. It is determined that the third volcanic stage occurred in Late Sarmatian, complexes of the early stage are determined in the sections of volcanoes Poprychny, Antalivsky, Makovytsya, the complexes of the late stage — in volcanoes Poprychny, Antalivsky, Synyak, Dekhmanov. As a result of the fourth volcanic stage, early stage complexes were formed (end of Sarmatian — early Pannonian) determined in volcanoes Poprychny, Antalivsky, Trostyanytsya, Synyak, Dekhmanov. Complexes of the late stage (late part of Pannonian) are determined in all of investigated volcanic structures. The correlation of the stratified deposits of the volcanoes of central type within the western part of Vygorlat-Gutin ridge with the Regional stratigraphic scheme of the Neogene deposits of Transcarpathian Deep was performed.

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