
The Vlasov Uehling Uhlenbeck (VUU)-model, the Quantum Molecular Dynamics (QMD) and its covariant extension, the Relativistic Quantum Molecular Dynamics (RQMD) are used to investigate the formation of baryon rich nuclear matter in heavy ion collisions over a wide range of bombarding energy from several hundred MeV/nucleon to several hundred GeV/nucleon. Stopping and bounce off are predicted at all energies if heavy systems are investigated. The formation of Δ-matter is predicted at E > 1GeV/nucleon in the baryon rich region, this is supported by the yields and spectra of pions and is manifested by the enhancement of low p T pions. (Anti)-strangeness is created copiously leading to larger kaon and lambda yields. This together with the large baryon densities facilitates the formation of multi hypernuclei and droplets of strange quark matter, so-called strangelets.

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